Tuesday 10 March 2009

So here are a few images of the painting I've been working on. It measures about 1.5 by 1.5 and is painted in acrylics.
I've worked from an advert in a fashion magazine which I've cropped to an interesting angle and the geometric black and white is based on the shapes that appear in a corresponding collage that I made.

Sunday 8 March 2009

Wednesday 4 March 2009

I won't lie to you, the gift I give to the world is my sarcastic streak. And my beautiful face. HOWEVER, my art's alright as well, so I have set up this little blog to document the ideas and studio practice that accompany it, at least until I've got over the technophobia and made a website.

The accompanying image is a photograph taken as I was wandering around Bath one balmy day.. There's nothing like a bit of spontaneous surrealism, and wonderful things can happen on the streets of Bath. For example, I fell in love today, although I can't remember what the guy's name was. And anyway, that's neither here nor there.

The work I'm making at present is inspired by highly stylised images of female models from fashion magazines. They've always been a fascination of mine, the bodies of the models being used are always of a particular style and the way they are manipulated and contorted to slice up their surrounding space - to me, it's very beautiful.

No pictures on my computer at the moment, but the painting I've been working on today is on canvas and measures 150cm by 150cm. Basically, I've cropped an advert from Vogue, so that it throws out a few beautiful shapes and angles, almost framing the canvas. The painterly looking monochrome 'print' that fills the inside of this space, where the model's T-shirt should be, is taken from a much smaller collage I put together from more fashion images, an arm here and a leg there, and then used it to paint from loosely. The freedom of this was incredible, it was literally a matter of engaging with the paint, enjoying its fluidity and its incidental nature.
Anyway, thought I had finished, stood back from it and then realised that the mouth is at the wrong angle (something that I've clearly been able to miss for the past 2 weeks), so I'll be back on it in the morning, hopefully get it finished to hand in for the exhibition deadline on friday, as I'm in Brighton all weekend visiting friends and hopefully getting trashed..